Learn Oneida


These are roads in the Oneida of the Thames community.
Ballpark Road
Tehuttsihkwaʔéktaʔ Yoha·té·
Clara Road
Clara Yoha·té·
Elijah Road
Oskanu·tú· Yoha·té·
Elm Ave
Elm Yoha·té·
Evan John Road
Evan John Yoha·té·
Fairgrounds Road
Tethutkʌnyé·thaʔ Yoha·té·
Hazel Road
Hazel Yoha·té·
Highway 2
Tékni Niwashe·tás Yoha·té·
Highway 3
Áhsʌ Niwashe·tás Yoha·té·
tetyohahá·sleʔ / teyohahá·seleʔ
Iroquois Road
Lotiʔskʌʔlhakehtú Yoha·té·
Longhouse Road
Kanúhses Yoha·té·
Nicholas Road
Nicholas Yoha·té·
Old Trail Road
Ohahaʔka·yú Yoha·té·
Oneida Road
Onʌyoteʔa·ká· Yoha·té·
Pheasant Drive
Pheasant Yoha·té·
River Road
Kawyhuhakta Yoha·té·
Townline Road
Kanata·yʌ́· Yoha·té·
Walker Road
Walker Yoha·té·
Williams Road
Williams Yoha·té·